Saturday 26 June 2010


After that bastard creation face book ensured the end of quite a long relationship I came out with these 6 drawings. Influenced by Gerald Scarfe's book: "The 7 deadly sins". If I had used the intended organ for thought process then things may have been a bit different. However on the plus side, if that were the case, you'd probably be currently looking at 6 pictures of pretty bunnies instead of these monstrosities.

I often think that if I ever did put thought into practice I'd get a hell of a lot more done. However all work and no play makes mick a dull boy.


Hermes here was done for the magazine "Doorway" however was sadly and tragically never used. He's still on of my favorite pieces though.

Choices Choices

A piece done for the magazine "Emigrate" about expatriation.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


These three animals were an editorial piece for my uni magazine, "Pulp", (R.I.P). I like the badger in the bath. He is a bit manic and often leaves paw prints in the tub. If I was a badger I'd like to sit in the bath. I'm glad I not though.

The Way It Was: Tales from a Policeman's Notebook

I was commissioned to do these illustrations for a selection of short stories about the author's time in the police. It's a good read. I recommend it.

Sunday 20 June 2010

These Cursed Hands

Mr Tucker, I salute you. (with my stump).

Hoss Cat

Tutor: "So have you put much thought into your next project yet?"
Me: "eeerrrm....."
Tutor: "Well is there anything you'd like to draw?"
Me: ".....???...."
Tutor: "Come on you must have something!"
Me: ".......I wana draw my cat shooting up junk"

Mother and the heron

My mother has a new pond and in it some new fish. The heron likes to eat these fish. Now my mother no longer likes the heron. This little upset cased by the heron inspired these 2 images. They are one of my more successful attempts at freeing my hand up when drawing.

I feel it important to state that even though my mother was saddened by the loss of fish to a peckish heron, she has never actually attacked one with an axe, (as of yet).