Thursday 8 July 2010

Stage 1: Desolation

Stage 2: The Dealer

Stage 3: Judgement

Stage 4: Intricacy

Stage 5: Anticipation

Stage 6: The Hit

Stage 7: Security

Stage 8: The Wreck

Sunday 4 July 2010

When the penguins finally get fucked off at green piece for pissing around they're gonna take matters into their own hands, (or wings, or flippers, I'm not sure) and before we know it, this whole global warming thing isn't going to be a problem anymore. However the army of AK toting wobblers is gonna make the whole Afghanistan thing look like Disney Land. It's gonna be brutal man!
Here we have our lord on high Obama with action man McCain and the kids, Cameron and good old Gordy B. An editorial piece done for "Student Direct", the Manchester University paper.

Saturday 26 June 2010


After that bastard creation face book ensured the end of quite a long relationship I came out with these 6 drawings. Influenced by Gerald Scarfe's book: "The 7 deadly sins". If I had used the intended organ for thought process then things may have been a bit different. However on the plus side, if that were the case, you'd probably be currently looking at 6 pictures of pretty bunnies instead of these monstrosities.

I often think that if I ever did put thought into practice I'd get a hell of a lot more done. However all work and no play makes mick a dull boy.


Hermes here was done for the magazine "Doorway" however was sadly and tragically never used. He's still on of my favorite pieces though.

Choices Choices

A piece done for the magazine "Emigrate" about expatriation.